Common English Grammar Mistakes

Common English Grammar Mistakes | Common Errors in English Usage

Common English Grammar Mistakes | Common Errors in English Usage

When it comes to writing in English, we often make mistakes which do not get noticed had it been simply uttered. However, written English does not hide any mistakes. To excel in any English Language test such as IELTS /PTE, knowing what is erroneous and writing correctly can be a great source in not losing valuable scores. Here’s a look at some common errors often committed by people in their written tasks:

‘It’ is a pronoun. The contraction of It is It’s.


  • It is raining.
  • It’s raining.
  • It is a blue pen.
  • It’s a blue pen.

However, ‘ITS’ is possessive pronoun.


  • I bought a bag last week. Its color is black.
  • I had to change the T-shirt as its size was smaller than what I normally wear.

As stated in the first set of words, there is also a possessive pronoun.


  • I visited my grandparents last Sunday. Their new house is quite spacious.
  • I couldn’t talk to my friends last night as their phones were not reachable.

However, there is used to indicate place or position, and even used in sentences without a definite subject.


  • He parked his car there.
  •  Your books are lying there.
  •  There is a student waiting for me in the classroom.
  •  There are several fatal diseases in the world.

Another most common error is the use of words then and than.

While then denotes time, than is used to make comparisons.


  • I completed my projected and then took a break of ten days before getting back to my hectic schedule.
  • Rita arrived at 6 o’clock.Then she immediately got ready for her next photoshoot.
  • Rose is fairer than Mary.
  • Silver is cheaper than Gold in many countries.

Often when victory is spoken of, defeat is also discussed. The defeat is a loss and the one who gets defeated loses.

However, Loose is opposite of the word Tight.


  • Sam always loses the match if he is not put as the opening batsman.
  • I tend to wear loose garments when I’m home.

In many countries people introduce themselves incorrectly the following way:

  • Hi! Myself Gurleen. I’m your new neighbor

Never use Myself to share your name. The right way could be saying:

  • My name’s Gurleen.Or I am Gurleen.
When sentences are made denoting actions in continuity, time is indicated to state for how long or since when it started. Since should be used when referring to a point in time and For should be used to denote a period.


  • I have been learning English since childhood.
  • I have been watching TV for 3 hours.

So what’s wrong with this phrase? When we need to address two subjects including ourselves, the rule is to introduce the third person first. Hence the sentence should be My friend and I.


  • My mother and I watched a movie yesterday.
  • Sheela and I are very good friends.

When we listen,we listen to something. A ‘to’ must be added after listen.


  • I love listening to music.
  • Could you please listen to him first?

People often misunderstand the phrase and use it for indication their present routine. However,’ used to’ is applied when one has to denote past routine actions.


  • In my childhood, I used to run fast.
  • Used to eat meat before joining this college.
Good is used to describe a noun. Well is used to describe an action.
A particular day-since Monday, since Sunday A number of years-for 2 years
A particular month-since January Duration in weeks –for 10 weeks.
Specific time-since 10 oclock Duration in days-for 5 days.
A particular year-since 1996. Duration in hours-for 3 hours.
A specific event-since my 15th birthday Duration in minutes-20 minutes.
Incorrect Correct
She is a well dancer. She is a good dancer.
She dances good. She dances well.
He is a well speaker of Spanish Language. He is a good speaker of Spanish Language.
He speaks good Spanish. He speaks Spanish well..

There are no such words. It’s themselves or ourselves.


  • We can do the chores ourselves.
  • They should learn to occupy themselves.

Placement of irrelevant pronoun.



My mother,she cooks well.

My mother cooks well.

Rita and Raj,they live together.

Rita and Raj live together.

Joseph He is my cousin.

Joseph is my cousin.

While you agree or disagree, this is incorrect to place an ‘am’ with it.


  • I agree with you.
  • I totally disagree to this viewpoint.

Certain activities in English are stated with a Go+the action


  •  I’d like to go swimming now.
  •  Let’s go fishing this weekend.
  • It is incorrect to use the sentence this way-I’d like to go swimming now.

Words that are plural but do not have an ‘s’ or an ‘es’ in its plural forms









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