Describe a difficult thing you did
Describe a difficult thing you did
I am a person who loves to try out new things then whether it is an easy task or a difficult one, I have this knack of doing it myself. I love being creative, so out of curiosity want to do the things by my ownself. I was in the kitchen making strawberry smoothie and suddenly the mixer stopped. Out of curiosity, I opened it and tried to find out what was the problem that led to the mixer stopping abruptly. I tried reassembling the parts but my first attempt was in vain. Then my brother came to my rescue and then to my surprise I was able to do it with his help and it started working. It was a sigh of relief as we had a dinner too the very same day and had to use the mixer for preparing the food and all.
Now assembling the parts of that mixer grinder was a task in itself and the most difficult part for me and my sibling was to see how to go about it and which part to fix where as all of them had almost the same size, but as it is said where there is a will, there is a way. I was able to do it and thanks to my little brother who came at the right time. I had this feeling of accomplishment once it was done. Though it was a very small thing, yet it was something for me and I did get this momentary feeling of happiness.

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