Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store

Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant / store or other business places | IELTS Cue Card | IELTS Coaching Online

Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant

When and where it happened?

An occasion I remember regarding the complain is when my sister and me went to a boutique to get our dress stiched, the designer was very near to her house and we just had to collect some of our old dresses and also to get a new dress made.

What he/she complained about?

As we reached the destination, we came to know that the designers tailor had not completed the work and was simply procrastinating. My sister complained this to the owner and was quite upset with this as she had to wear the dress on the next occasion.

What the result was?

As my sister complained, the tailor started giving his excuses and the owner also felt sorry for his behaviour. The owner promised us that she would take care and also would deliver the dress in the next three hours at our residence.

And explain how you felt about the experience?

Just because the owner was a soft lady and her politeness helped in controlling my sisters frustration, I was calm. Also, I feel that handling labour is not at all easy as they do not understand the worth of earning respect and the way customer relation has to be maintained. However, the owner seemed to be a talented lady as she handled the situation in a very smart way.

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