Recent IELTS Exam 10th June 2023 India

Recent IELTS Exam 10th June 2023 India

Recent IELTS Exam 10th June 2023 India. Are you one of them searching for updates and free IELTS Coaching Online and answers for the IELTS Recent Exams?

Passage 2: Investing in Technology
Passage 3: Speech Art and Philosophy

7.  TRUE
14 V
16 VII

19 I

20 IX
27 D
28 C
29 B
30 B
31 B
32 D
33 F

34 E
35 D
36 NO
37 YES
38 NO
39 NO
40 YES

1. Men 
2. Health Check
3. Appointment
4. Days
5. Yoga
6. Café
7. Massage
8. C
9. A
10. B

6 Weeks
20 Million
27. C
28. E

29. B
30. E
31. Competition
32. Airline
33. Marketing
34. Piano
35. Pilot
36. Stress Level
37. Colourful
38. Hand
39. Fun
40. Privacy

The two bar charts show the proportion of 14-16-year-old students studying a modern foreign language in an English-speaking country, and the top three popular foreign languages.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The two bar graphs compare the numbers and proportion of 14-16-year-old students in an English-speaking country who study a modern foreign language and the top three popular foreign languages that they choose.

Overall, more students choose to study a modern foreign language and French is the most popular choice.

According to the first chart, approximately 75% of 14-16-year-old students prefer to study a modern foreign language. By contrast, 25% of students in the same age range do not study one.

The second graph reveals that French is the most popular foreign language, with about two-thirds of the students opting to learn it. Following French, the second and third most popular languages were Spanish and German, respectively, both chosen by approximately one-third of students.

In conclusion, although the majority of 14-16-year-old students in an English-speaking country make the choice to study a modern foreign language, French is the most popular language among them. Spanish and German are also widely studied by teenagers.

These days, many people like to watch live performances (such as shows or concerts) at home, either on TV or on a computer, instead of attending in person. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?

Sample Answer #1:

In recent years, many people have chosen to watch live performances from the comfort of their own homes, rather than going to a theater or a concert in person. While this trend might offer certain benefits to those who take advantage of it, ultimately the drawbacks tend to outweigh the advantages.

On the one hand, watching such performances on television or on the computer makes them conveniently accessible to almost anyone who has access to electronics. This allows for wider exposure than if only those who could afford tickets or travel to the live event were able to experience it. Additionally, not having to go out and attend can save time, money as well as stress.

On the other hand, the lack of a physical presence reduces the quality of the experience. Watching a live performance online does not offer the same level of interaction or enjoyment as actually being there. Moreover, the costs of streaming subscriptions, as well as the cost of the electronics, can add up over time.

The drawbacks of enjoying live performances from home outweigh the advantages. Although they may be convenient and accessible, the lack of interaction and potential cost make this an unacceptable substitute for a live, in-person performance.


Sample Answer #2:

In recent years, there has been an increasing trend towards enjoying live performances, such as plays, concerts, or shows, from the comfort of one’s home rather than attending the event in person. While this choice will typically offer certain advantages, it also typically has more disadvantages than benefits.

On the one hand, watching such events on television, streaming services or even through a computer is typically far more convenient than going out to attend. This is especially true for those who may not be able to travel to the live event, as well as for those who are limited on funds and time. Furthermore, access to such services typically enables more people to experience certain televised events than the audience present at the live event.

On the other hand, experiencing any sort of live performance remotely tends to be significantly less enjoyable than actually being there in person. This is because the experience itself is simply not the same when there is no physical or emotional connection with the performers. Additionally, many streaming services or websites may cost money, which can add up over time.

Although there are some advantages to watching live performances from home, ultimately the disadvantages clearly outweigh them. While it can be more convenient and accessible, the lack of connection and potential cost make it an unideal substitute for attending in person.


Sample Answer#3:

In recent years, many people have opted to watch live performances, such as plays, concerts or shows, from the comfort of their own homes rather than attending such events in person. While this has its pros, in the long run there are usually more cons associated with this trend than advantages.

On the one hand, watching these performances remotely is often more convenient than going out – especially for those who might not have easy access to the live location. Additionally, it allows a greater number of people than those present at the live event to experience a broadcasted performance. Lastly, it can also mean cosiderable savings of money and time.

On the other hand, the lack of physical and emotional connection with the performers often means that live performances watched from home are significantly less enjoyable. Additionally, depending on the streaming service used, there may be a cost associated with the viewing, which can add up over time.

While there may be some benefits to watching performances in such a manner, ultimately the disadvantages associated with this trend greatly outweigh them. With reduced enjoyment and possible added costs, this is usually an unacceptable substitute for attending a live event in person.

Write a letter to the senior official addressing the issues you are facing with your colleague, Write:

  • A brief description of the issues.
  • Give some details of the incidents and also mention witnesses (if any).
  • Provide the resolution related to the issue

Sample coming soon….

Fast food is a part of life in many places. Some people think this has bad effects on lifestyle and diets. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Answer 1:

Fast food has become a part of life in many places around the world and many people believe it has had negative impacts on people’s lifestyles and diets. Although I understand the concerns that some people have about this, I believe that fast food can be beneficial if consumed in moderation.

First of all, when eaten in moderation, fast food does not necessarily lead to a lifestyle of poor health. Eating a balanced diet that includes occasional fast food meals can help to provide essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are difficult to obtain from other sources. Secondly, fast food can be relatively inexpensive, making the meals a nutritious and affordable option for people on a budget.

Finally, eating a moderate amount of fast food can give people enjoyable eating experiences, provide valuable convenience, and lead to positive social interaction. With a variety of menu options, different tastes, and a pleasant dining atmosphere, fast food can play an important role in people’s lives.

Overall, while there are some concerns about the long-term health effects of consuming a diet primarily composed of fast food, I believe that consuming fast food in moderation can benefit people in many ways.

Sample Answer 2:

Many people believe that fast food has a negative effect on lifestyle and diets, but I disagree. Fast food can actually be beneficial for people when eaten in moderation.

For instance, when eaten occasionally, fast food can provide essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are difficult to obtain elsewhere. Since fast food meals can be relatively inexpensive, people on a budget can benefit from them. Eating a moderate amount of fast food can also give people enjoyable eating experiences in addition to providing valuable convenience.

Additionally, fast food restaurants usually have a pleasant dining atmosphere that encourages social interaction, which can often be a great way to spend time with friends or family. With a variety of menu options, different tastes, and a pleasant environment, fast food can be beneficial to people in multiple ways.

Overall, I believe that fast food can be beneficial to both diets and lifestyles when eaten in moderation. While there are concerns about the health effects of consuming fast food, it is possible to enjoy the occasional meal without sacrificing one’s health.

Sample Answer 3:

Many people believe that consuming fast food has a negative effect on lifestyle and diets, but I disagree. When eaten in moderation, fast food can be beneficial to people in numerous ways.

To begin with, occasional fast food meals can help provide essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are difficult to obtain elsewhere. Additionally, since fast food can be relatively inexpensive, it can be a great option for people on a budget. On top of this, fast food restaurants often provide a pleasant atmosphere and a variety of menu options that can make for enjoyable eating experiences.

Finally, social interactions are often encouraged when dining at fast food restaurants, which can be great for both mental and emotional health. With different tastes, a pleasant environment, and the opportunity to enjoy social interactions, fast food can give people a break from their regular diets without sacrificing their health.

Overall, while there are some concerns about the long-term health effects of consuming a diet primarily composed of fast food, I believe that consuming it in moderation can provide beneficial physical, mental, and emotional benefits.

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