Rich countries should allow jobs for skilled and knowledgeable employees who are from poor countries. Do you agree or disagree?

Rich countries should allow jobs for skilled and knowledgeable employees who are from poor countries. Do you agree or disagree? | IELTS Task 2 | IELTS Essay | IELTS Coaching Online

Some believe rich countries should allow jobs for skilled and knowledgeable employees who from poor countries, however others disagree subjected to certain conditions, I believe that this movement of human resources should not be limited and bound to anything beyond qualifications, skills and experience of a person, regardless of a worker’s nationality.

Most industries in rich countries usually have a number of their processes outsourced to the poorer countries, in lieu of the cheap labour and resources these regions provide. With this recent development, these corporations and industries take along with them the skills that are required for these processes. This results in an export of skills and experiences to the workers employed by the outsourced branch. As a result of this slow, yet steady development, many professionals in the poorer countries have found, developed and honed skills that at par with their counterparts in richer countries. Hence, this human resource, must be able to find employment in an economy where their specialisation is valued and efficiency is appreciated.

Another important factor for my agreement would be the fact that globalisation is most fruitful when the movement of resources is mobile and flexible, which leads to an increased productivity and global wealth. This is applicable to human resources as well. Although, on an individual level, this may seem insignificant, but given the number of untapped human resources in developing country that is unable to contribute to the global economy, it can be a good idea to utilise these professionals.

Hence, to conclude, it would contribute to the speedy global economic development if the workers from poorer countries could migrate to richer countries to find employment that suits their skills, experience and qualifications, leading to optimum utilisation of exploitable resources.

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