Some people think that men are naturally more competitive than women. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that men are naturally more competitive than women. To what extent do you agree or disagree? | IELTS Task 2 | IELTS Essay | IELTS Coaching Online

Feminism is the radical notion that women are human beings. The men however are believed to be more naturally competitive than women. I totally disagree to this statement. When a boy is born, parents put up a lot of hopes with the child when they will grow old. From the very beginning , a boy is told to be strong headed to face any troubles in life. He is prepared till his adulthood by the parents and the society about the duties he need to perform as a man. They say, if you teach something to a child in his/her initial years, it gets into his mind and same is in the case of men.

Whereas, a women on the other hand is symbolized to be sensitive and soft and the one who takes care of the house and the family members. She is not expected to go outside and compete with the men in the outer world. And even if she does, she has to go through all the gazes and hear all the defamatory comments which ultimately brings down her moral. In the offices nowadays, a men cannot see a women growing or working hard. He does not take it as a competition, rather takes this on his ego.

If women, from the very beginning are taught to be the way they want to be, if they are also made aware of her responsibilities, she will be as competitive and as dedicated as men. The parents need to start weighing their girl and boy child equally and make them realise his/her worth. Therefore, men are not naturally competitive, but the continuous pressure of the parents, relatives and society make them to be.

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