To be labelled a work of art a painting sculpture or other art. form should display certain qualities that are unique.

To be labelled a work of art a painting sculpture or other art. form should display certain qualities that are unique. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. | IELTS Task 2 | IELTS Essay | IELTS Coaching Online

A true work of art needs several years of training , knowledge and experience . and a true artist’s eye to be recognised. However, there has been a fall in the quality of the prize wining artwork and now ordinary pieces of art get recognition where actual work of art pass unnoticed. I completely agree to this statement.

With the technological advancements, the quality of a piece of art has reduced due to easily available techniques and practices. Madhubani painting, that earlier took several hours, in fact days to be completed, now can be completed in less than hours due to various advancements. And apparently, it has lost its originality. Musicians, in previous times, had to record a song several times to get it correct the notes at the final take, but now everything can be edited via auto tune.

The music that gets higher promotion via advertisements gets into the ears of the people and eventually succeeds but the one that is originally made and is a work a art, lacks promotion and lands up unnoticed by the public. The business class today is so exhausted with the day to day work load that they are not left with further energy to search for the work of art rather they look forward to that form of entertainment that is easily available to them.

Resting my case, I would like to say that it is complete game of promotions and acceptability. The more you advertise a product, the higher acceptable it is to the public. And gradually the work of art would fall out of our culture like the sea sand from the hand. Therefore, extreme promotions of casual pieces of art needs to be stopped.

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