A time when you were asked to give your opinion in a questionnaire or survey

A time when you were asked to give your opinion in a questionnaire or survey | IELTS Cue Card | IELTS Coaching Online

A time when you were asked to give your opinion in a questionnaire or survey

what the questionnaire/survey was about ?


The survey I was asked to give my opinion was on teenagers becoming introverts day by day. It was conducted by the university of my city and they wanted to analyze the different thoughts people have about youngsters becoming so silent in this technological era.


why you were asked to give your opinions ?


I was requested to share my feelings as I am one of the faculty members in the language department of the university and majorly had interaction with the young students on a daily basis, they often reached out to me to prepare for their interviews and personal grooming.


what opinions you gave ?


My opinion on this topic was that technology has changed the way people interact with each other. The word introvert would have different perspectives for different people. Some of the young ones feel more
comfortable communicating via virtual communication modes becoming serious in their outlook, while others are completely opposite. I mentioned to them that through technology itself, awareness for in-person interaction should be emphasised. 


and explain how you felt about giving your


I feel my opinion was what I exactly feel and certain changes in lifestyle should be made so that there is a balance in all that one does to have a holistic development. I felt nice that my opinion was
considered and efforts were made by the authorities to get it implemented. The kind of respect I received from the authorities made my day.

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