Describe a life-changing experience you have had

Describe a life changing experience you have had | IELTS Cue Card | IELTS Coaching Online

Describe a life-changing experience you have had

What Happened ?

One of the major life-changing experiences which took place in my life was when I saw that my maid’s daughter got married at a very early age, I was in my graduation in those days and since that day I had pledged to work for women empowerment.

Where it took place & who was with you.

The incident took place in the slum area of my city and my mom took me along with her to give some gifts to the bride and to bless her with a happy and prosperous life ahead.

How it made you feel ?

It gave me weird kind of feelings in the starting as I was able to see the people around them dressed in an overdressed kind of manner and extremely happy celebrating the early marriage of the bride without releasing that this big mistake could change the life of that young lady drastically leading to high-level negative consequences on her mental and physical well being.

and explain how it changed your life. 

After a few days, I came to know that my maid’s daughter was physically assaulted by her immature husband and the conservative society did not even go to help her, instead, she was given lessons on how to keep her husband happy so that she could also win over his heart. All this frustrated me and made my ambition of women’s empowerment even stronger. Since then I have written so many blogs and conducted many workshops to help so many sufferers of society to surpass the dirty life they have lived and to live life harmoniously.

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