Describe an invention that has changed how people live

Describe an invention that has changed how people live | IELTS Cue Card | IELTS Coaching Online

Describe an invention that has changed how people live

What it is ?

Technology has reached high level of advancement, one of my favorite and I am sure, many people would stand by my side as I feel chat gpt is one of the best inventions which has entirely changed the way people think and feel.

How has it changed people’s lives ?

With this invention, gone are the days when people had to strive hard for anything, anywhere. With just a click and typing of a few words, one can get the knowledge and experience in hand. It has not just impacted individual needs but also the way businesses run, things are automated in such a way that there is no requirement for low-pay employees, companies do not have to rely on the labor force for the maximum of their work and the customer satisfaction rate is high.

What benefits did it bring ?

The basic advantage of this is that it makes work easy, fast and of course more accurate. With its automation in Microsoft tools like Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, the maintenance of data has become so handy and the presentations have become so lively. Just because of this, we do not have to rely on technicians or analysts to come and complete the work, anyone in general can also do the same work.

And explain if it’s more important for older or younger people.

I feel this is an important skill that all old and the young ones should know and learn the art in using this. While the older should learn and adapt themselves to this change, it is equally essential for the youth as this has changed the way the world worked earlier.

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