Describe someone older than you whom you admire.
Describe someone older than you whom you admire
Although I know a lot of elder people and I have utmost respect for all of them but one out of the senior citizens I know has my heart. One of my aunt’s who is around 62 years of age, she is someone I look upto. I know this person as she is my mother’s sister. Her name is Mrs Reena Bhatia, the one whom I feel has a charismatic personality. She is a perfect example of how a lady should be in terms of her personal as well as professional life. Whenever I meet her, we make it a point that we bake together, because she and I, we both love to bake cakes and this is what we do when we meet each other and also she tells me stories of how her life was as a principal of a well reputed school.
Her stores are so interesting that I love to hear them and every story has something to learn out of it whether it is patience, time management or kindness. She is one of a kind and very sweet by nature. I admire her not because she is my aunt but because she has so much in store, the love, the warm heartedness. She always tells everyone around to be patient with everyone and how well a situation can be solved if one does not lose his/ her calm. Indeed, she is one of her own kind who knows how to treat everyone with kindness and yes her cakes are super delicious and she loves to learn classical singing in her free time.

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