Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?

Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness? | IELTS Task 2 | IELTS Essay | IELTS Coaching Online

Happiness is considered the basis of the human life journey. In today’s world, people are looking for happiness on a daily basis that gives them comfort and a sense of satisfaction. The search for happiness can be prominently seen in all age groups as everyone wants to be happy.

The word ‘Happiness’ has a different meaning for different sets of people and it is extremely difficult to come up with a definition for all. Everyone has some or the other thing which makes them happy. For instance, for a school going kid, happiness would mean playing with friends and for a working professional, happiness would be in terms of growth and for some individuals it may be owning an expensive car.

We live in a society that is extremely dynamic in nature and hence, defining ‘happiness’ is not possible. Nonetheless, if we think progressively, the basic components of happiness in a general context would include good health, ability to get an education, safe surrounding, freedom of worship and financial stability. Toachieve happiness, people in the society need to work in solidarity with an intention to help each other. People need to respect and support each other without giving consideration to race, caste, sex and financial background of a person. For example, in school, children should be taught to help each other in learning new things and develop a sense of respect for one another.

To recapitulate, it can be said that ‘Happiness’ is a broad word and can be interpreted in many ways. As a society, we can define it broadly to ensure that on a fundamental level everyone is on the same page.

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